Modular Timber
Housing Optopper

Amsterdam, NL


Location: Flexible
Design: 2022
Status: Ongoing
Net Floor Area: 49 m2
Program: Housing
Client: BuurtBoost / VORM
Contractor: DAT Bouwsystemen / VORM
Landscape: The Urban Jungle Project
PV Panel Supplier: Solarix
Associates: DAT Bouwsystemen
Photography: Roos Aldershoff,
Michel Kievits, Marijke Krekels

Why build new communities when you can sustainably build on top of them? The ‘Optopper’ is a circular, prefab, “all wood” - biobased, modular, fully equipped residential apartment that can be placed on top of almost any (post-war) flat. It is an innovative solution for the densification of our city centres and a concrete step towards a better more social neighbourhood.

Designed with high standards and industrial precision, this high-speed project was developed from first sketch to fully functioning 1:1 prototype within just 3 months. This standardization ensures efficiency with which a considerable acceleration in development and realization is achieved.

The Optopper is available in different variants. The prefab residential units are available as studios and apartments with two to four rooms. A perfect home for starters, students, one and two-person households and small families, but also seniors, who need a different home but want to stay in their familiar neighbourhood and even in their own flat. Thanks to the installation of an Optopper and an elevator, they get a new, comfortable home that suits their stage of life. With the additional advantage of the flow in existing apartment buildings.

“The Optopper is more than a house, it is a sustainable and future-oriented living product.”